C.I.A. (Community in Action) is a community service group that began in 2007 at the old North High School. It was an idea of a senior tennis player that year to serve our North community. The idea blossomed, and we have had enrollment in our club shoot up to 70 members at one point. We graduated a lot of students in previous years, and are still continuing our awesome C.I.A. tradition.
Activities include:
We do 1-2 events per month to serve the North community. We work at numerous places like the Dream Center, the Good Samaritan Nursing Home, Evansville Life Center, Evansville Rescue Mission, Frog Follies, Little Husky World, Special Needs baseball field, Oak Hill and Scott School “Family Fun Nights,” and Keep Evansville Beautiful.
Ms. McDowell
C.I.A. Facebook Group